Mindful Movement Programs

In-school and After-school Programs and Camps

MAMM partners with community leaders to bring mindful movement into schools and after-care programs.

MAMM supports partner’s existing mindful movement programs and helps develop new after-school programs.

MAMM offers mindful movement summer camps and special workshops during school holidays.

In-School Programs

Bringing mindful movement into schools allows children to experience practices such as martial arts, dance or yoga. Exposure to these practices within the school day can spark interest that leads to involvement outside school. When student bring home stories about the mindful movement classes and printed information about after-school programs and scholarships for those programs, parents are more equipped to enroll their keiki in on-going mindful movement programs that can change the course of a young one’s life. MAMM connects mindful movement teachers with schools to bring their classes into the school day and into the after-care programs.

After-School Programs

MAMM works with its partners to enhance their exposure through co-marketing, offering low-cost introductory programs, and scholarships that help increase enrollment. MAMM works with new teachers to develop classes and make them available as after school programs and camps.

Camps and Special Workshops

MAMM creates mindful movement camps and workshops that run during the school breaks and vacations. Camps can be mini immersions where keiki take mindful movement adventures three times a week, for two or three weeks. Classes might be two to four hours and focus on dance, nature adventure, yoga or martial arts.